A straightforward guideline on what to do when you want to take your Professional Scrum Master 1 (PSM1) certification
Unlocking Cross-Selling Potential: How Machine Learning Enhances Insurance Rider Recommendations

In this article, I explored how machine learning can optimize insurance rider suggestions, with a special shoutout to ChatGPT for making the journey smoother and more enjoyable. Thanks to its assistance, I was able to quickly navigate challenges, refine ideas, and stay entertained throughout the process.
Tailor-Made REST Mock API Server to Speed Up Development Time

Containerized HTTP server with some pre-defined configuration for REST mock API request/response. Build under Golang with Gin Framework on top of it.
Unit Test Java POJO in a Smart Way

Introduction Recently, I was assigned to reduce technical debt in an existing project. One of the keys highlighted technical debt is how low the code coverage is. Therefore, our priority is to increase code coverage […]
Implementing Inter-Dependencies Validation using Intercepting Filter Design Pattern

When you dealing with inter-dependencies (or circular dependencies) rules between components, you can consider to use Intercepting Filter Design Pattern to solve your problems.
Packer: How to Build a Golden Image behind Corporate Proxy

Packer is a powerful tool to build a golden image for multiple platforms. All the configurations are scripted therefore you can embrace Infrastructure-as-a-Code practice. And the best thing, it is FREE!
Migration Strategy from Enterprise Scheduling to AWS Hybrid Cloud – Part 2: Implementation

After we have a blueprint for our solutions in part 1, now it is time to implement it into code. We use AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) as Infrastructure as a Code and Spring Boot as our custom job implementation.
Migration Strategy from Enterprise Scheduling to AWS Hybrid Cloud – Part 1: Architecture

Cloud technology is becoming more and more significant in the technology industry. They provide plenty of tools and services, which will enable us to deliver our product faster to the market. On several occasions, migration your infrastructure is not as easy as flipping your palm. We could face lots of challenges; from a business, process, technology, and regulatory perspective.
How to Provision AWS EC2 in Private Subnet by Using SSM and Ansible Dynamic Inventory

An example to provision EC2 instances in the private subnet using AWS SSM, Ansible Dynamic Inventory and AWS community collections.
A Study Case: Building A Simple Credit Card Fraud Detection System – Part 2: Mapping Gerkhin to Kafka Streams

Part 2 will talk about mapping the Gerkhin feature file into Cucumber Step Definition and its implementation using Kafka Streams.
A Study Case: Building A Simple Credit Card Fraud Detection System – Part 1: From User Story to Gerkhin Feature File

Part 1 will talk about building a user story and how to translate it into Gerkhin feature file.