a story about helping another scrum team to find their own way to deal with their internal issue
Transform Passion into Knowledge
a story about helping another scrum team to find their own way to deal with their internal issue
Overview Leader (L): “Hey Anna, can you please check on Team XXX burndown chart for the last three sprints, please?” Me (M): “Sure. What’s the issue?” L: “Well it looks weird for me, they never fully complete […]
Introduction Let’s picture this scenario: You are planning to go fishing by boat. You have prepared everything for weeks. You have checked the boat to make sure it’s secure and save, prepared your fishing equipment, prepared […]
Introduction I guess the title is explaining enough, right? Raise your hands if you find it difficult to understand :). Missing in action can refer to many things. Vacation, Resignation, Decease, Too Busy, On Business Trip, […]
Introduction Self organized Development Team is one of the key strength of Scrum Team. The team choose how best to accomplish their work, rather than being directed by others outside the team. In order to have […]
Backlog Grooming Session is very important activity for Scrum Project. This article will describe what when where who and how this session about
Introduction Having Certified Scrum Master when your organization is planning to adapt Scrum is one of the best strategy. But hiring new resources will definitely consumes time, effort and cost. Another way to handle that is […]
When Scrum does not work for you, try using kanban as another approach of Agile Methodology in your software development.