How to Isolate Database Credentials in Spring Boot Using Vault

Data privacy and security became critical nowadays. Thus, we need to isolate database credentials and make it transparent to our applications/services.

How to Secure REST Endpoint Using Spring Boot and OAuth2

Overview In this article, I will provide a simple example to secure REST example by using Oauth2. I will not explain what Oauth2 protocol is all about in detail. In short, to implement this authorization […]

How to Register Spring Cloud with Consul Service Discovery

One of the main component of micro service architecture is service discovery (SD). So far in this blog I mentioned two tools for service discovery, which are Eureka and Consul. But if you may notice, whenever I used spring-cloud framework, I always choose Eureka. On the other hand, I pick consul when I talked about Golang.

Document Your REST API using Spring Boot and Swagger

Overview As a developer, you considerably have two main tasks while developing the system. One part is coding itself. Of course, when I say coding, it means code and testing (I would say a TDD […]

Spring Boot: Encrypt Property Value in Properties File

Overview During my experiences working with Java, there are must be cases that I have to use properties files in order to store configurable parameter. For example, folder location for storing temporary files or wsdl […]

Securing Spring Boot REST API – CORS

Introduction In today’s IT architecture world, most of the web applications are invoking REST API to interact with backend system. So if you have experiences on developing a web application using Javascript, or XHR precisely, and you are dealing […]

How to Deploy Spring Boot App to Wildfly

Spring Framework One of the most exciting framework in the Java world is Spring Framework. They offer a lot of useful features, from spring core, spring jms, spring data jpa, spring boot and many more. […]